Hospital San Raffaele, Milan
"Waves of Light" - Installation. I call this project “Places of Ascension”. This installation has not only have an aesthetic impact, but also a social and a functional one. Contemporary art wants to be used as a way to share a new dimension of beauty. By seeking beauty, we magically find a great truth: love that founds all things. And, above all, I want art to be accessible to everyone.
Marmi Due Ci
Wind, a natural element which moves the mesh, creates a visual storm and generates an emotional storm. This installation would convey the continuous possibilities of changing in our daily life. The space is dynamic and able to create different and ever-changing shapes; we have different prospects and points of view. These are the bases of Lisa installation idea, which has followed the play "La Tempesta nello specchio" at Belfort Theatre Campus in Piuro, directed by Luca Micheletti.
For a prestigious jewelery exhibition thedecoside team and I had to set up 4 different areas with a unique Christmas theme for each one. We chose: traditional Christmas, D.I.Y. Christmas, innovation (the "tree" in this area is an artistic piece by the italian artist Lisa Borgiani) and Christmas of the world. For every area we also had to arrange 3 different showcases displaying selected jewelery for every theme and a packaging solution.
bel boutique
Luce in circolAzione Christmas installation. Una molla dallo stile essenziale e misurato, come gli arredi della location che la ospita, ma che con la sua sinuosità ed eleganza esprime appieno i valori su cui si fonda la boutique BEL. Non un semplice negozio, ma un vero e proprio luogo della raffinatezza, dove non ci si limita a vendere un abito o un accessorio, ma a proporre capi che vadano a delineare lo stile di ogni cliente, che è qualcosa di unico e irripetibile. Un insieme di moderno e retrò, richiamato dalle luci e dalle ghirlande sull’installazione dell'artista Lisa Borgiani. Una 'CircolAzione' di luce e femminilità espressa attraverso colori e tessuti ricercati che fanno della donna che veste BEL boutique una sicura protagonista del suo tempo.
CliniWorks is a global healthcare technology leader dedicated to the transformation an analog, chaotic, unstructured “real life” data into actionable information.
The work represents the flow of digital numbers and transformation of data which merged into the genetic structure creating a circle, symbol of life.
CCPL is one of the main italian Industrial Cooperative Group. The artist Fernand Léger nurtured sincere enthusiasm for an age in which tumultuous and radical change was rife.
It is to this, Léger’s positive and optimistic idea of change, that the values of the CCPL Group are linked, a Group that views the future with optimism and the desire to grow, that constantly contends with newness, a group that believes in the value of technology, in the centrality of persons and of work as an incentive for the growth of both individuals and the community. This is why CCPL decided to link its institutional image and a contemporary artistic interpretation to Léger works.
Consutel Group's mission is providing highly innovative services and solutions and building telecommunication infrastructures conceived for technological system integration. The artworks represent the power of light as a main symbol of challenging
MICRODATA represents one of the main italian reality in the document outsourcing market and of the back office service. The company value represented in the artworks are: dynamism, innovation, multidisciplinarity
Sitta Srl was established in 1927 and has become, from early steps of its activity, one of the leading companies in North Italy. Sitta has expanded its activity to cover all the areas of civil works, operating in the private and public works fields and in the civil and industrial infrastructures. The artwork tells you about its history, value and the project realized from its beginning.
The artwork represents the City of London where the bank has one of its branches
Marmi Due Ci
Manuel Coltri transforms the stone works into a new form of art.  A new profession is born to introduce into the world a new innovative concept "stone furnishings" the first "Stone Tailor".
Marble, quartz, onyx and natural stones become rich fabrics. Â The materials become a unique creation of art that embellish the most beautiful of homes.